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My research focuses on designing new micro-resonators for single-molecule spectroscopy in the Goldsmith group at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Spectroscopy is the study of how a molecule interacts with light. By studying single molecules instead of bulk material, we can more accurately determine what features of the molecule support the properties we want to optimize. Additionally, we can create molecular movies where we watch reactions occur step-by-step. 


A microtoroidal resonator that I fabricated, which is then used by myself and collaborators to study single-particles

The micro-resonators detect single molecules by working as tiny thermometers. When a molecule absorbs light it is absorbing that light as energy. The energy from the light is changed into energy in the form of heat by the molecule. This heat is released into the environment surrounding the molecule and causes a temperature change. The tiny temperature change is what the micro-resonators detect!  The temperature change the resonator is able to detect is about 100 nanokelvin, or less than 0.001 degree Fahrenheit. Incredibly small!

For more information on my research, please contact me and visit the Goldsmith Group website.

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